Invitation to ASEEES Spring 2024 Research Meet-Up Series: Doing Research in Central Asia

We are excited to extend a warm invitation to all members of the Central Eurasian Studies Society to join the upcoming ASEEES event (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies).

Event Details:

  • Topic: Doing Research in Central Asia
  • Date: Wednesday, February 14
  • Time: 12:00 pm ET

This session is part of the ASEEES Spring 2024 Research Meet-Up Series, focusing on various aspects of research in the Eurasian region. Moderators for this event include esteemed scholars Sarah Cameron and Morgan Y. Liu.


  • Sarah Cameron: Associate Professor of History, University of Maryland, College Park.
    • Sarah’s research spans topics such as genocide, environmental history, and the societies of Central Asia. 
  • Morgan Y. Liu: Associate Professor of Anthropology, The Ohio State University
    • Morgan’s expertise lies in cultural anthropology, particularly concerning Central Eurasia’s financial elites, social justice in former socialist states, and informal social networks. 

How to Join:

All current CESS members are eligible to participate. If you’re interested in attending, please send a message to, and we’ll promptly provide you with the event link.