
Welcome, and thank you!

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of CESS, or in renewing your membership. CESS is a vibrant community of scholars, practitioners and institutions from all over the world who share an interest in advancing knowledge and understanding of Central Eurasia.

CESS offers a range of membership options, with staggered pricing for individual scholars to ensure that CESS remains an open and accessible society for all. To broaden our accessibility further, CESS accepts donations to cover the cost of membership for students based in Central Eurasia. Donations may be made at any time on our Donations page.

Types of CESS membership


If you are a scholar or practitioner who studies or works on issues relating to Central Eurasia, or you have a strong interest in supporting knowledge and understanding of the field of Central Eurasian Studies, please consider becoming an Individual Member of CESS. Memberships are valid for one calendar year (January 1-December 31).


If you know you are committed to Central Eurasian studies over the long-term and would like to express your commitment in the form of strong support for CESS, you can become a Lifetime Member. Lifetime Members receive the same benefits as Individual Members, but the membership never expires.


Does your institution engage in Central Eurasian studies? Do you have a number of scholars, staff and graduate students who would benefit from CESS conferences, publications, and mailings? If so, consider becoming an Institutional Member of CESS. Memberships are valid for one calendar year.


From time to time, CESS awards Honorary Membership status that recognize colleagues who have dedicated their careers to contributing to the field of Central Eurasian Studies

Membership benefits

Membership of CESS brings a host of practical and less tangible benefits. By becoming a member, you contribute to supporting CESS and becoming part of the global Central Eurasian studies community, fostering communication and improvement of scholarship in the field.


  • can submit paper and panel proposals for the CESS Annual Conference and Regional Conference, and receive a significant discount on the registration fee for CESS conferences. Institutional Members are offered some free places at our conferences plus opportunities to advertise and exhibit at the conference.
  • can subscribe to the journal Central Asian Survey at a significantly reduced price. Institutional Members receive Central Asian Survey free as part of their membership.
  • can participate in the running of CESS by joining a committee, writing for the CESS Blog, and electing new board members each year. Why not consider running for election yourself? Contact the CESS Administrator to find out more about getting involved with CESS.
  • are listed in CESS’ searchable, open access directory where they can modify their entries to list a regional focus, disciplinary approach, and publications or website.

Questions about membership?

If you have a question about any aspect of CESS Membership, please contact CESS’ membership team (