Connect with CESS

CESS strives to facilitate connections between members, interested persons, the Society, and scholarship in the field. We host many ways for members to connect with us and each other, including:

The CESS Blog

Join the CESS Mailing List

Share Information with CESS Members

Member Directory



The CESS Blog

Since March 2013, CESS has hosted a curated blog featuring the latest scholarship relating to the Central Eurasian region from a team of columnists. We also post guest contributions, such as field research reports, conference summaries, and photo essays. Posts are organized by trending ideas in the study of the region. New blog posts are announced and found on Twitter using the hashtag, #CESSblog.

To contribute

Contact us if you have any material you’d like to contribute as a guest contributor, or even to become a regular blogger.  If you are a scholar, analyst, or observer of the region, please contact the CESS Blog Editor, Eva-Marie Dubuisson, with your ideas for a blog piece. Contributors must be members of CESS.

Consider the possibilities:

  • summarize your own research or work
  • review someone else’s work
  • provide thoughtful evaluation of real-time events
  • identify new trends in the region, or in the scholarship
  • post a research trip photo essay
  • re-post a relevant blog entry from a partner or related site
  • report about a recent conference or panel
  • write an evaluation of research funding, the job market, publishing, or other professional issues

Join the CESS Mailing List

CESS uses two mailing lists for email communications: a general list that uses the prefix [CESS] and a members’ only list, which uses the prefix [CESS-Member].

Emails which begin with [CESS] have information about CESS (e.g. about our conferences) and are open to anyone who is interested in the activities of CESS, but is not yet a member. To join the [CESS] mailing list, please enter your name and email address below:

What to expect: If you want to stop hearing from us, simply click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email we send or contact us at We won't pass on your details to anyone else.

Emails which begin with [CESS-Member] are exclusively for members and contain information about matters of interest to the Central Eurasian studies community.

Share information with CESS members

CESS is pleased to offer the opportunity for members and others in the Central Eurasian Studies community to post announcements through the [CESS-Member] mailing list. CESS will share postings that we deem relevant to our members.

Please submit only messages that are ready to post. They should be written clearly, well-formatted, in good English, and containing valid links and appropriate contact information. The body of the message should be in text format. Avoid including attachments as these significantly slow down our mail server. Where unavoidable, pdf attachments under 1mb may be included.

Postings should have a subject line that includes the key information, such as the name of the program or opportunity being announced, the location, event dates and deadlines, as appropriate.

Requests to post an announcement should be sent to with “for [CESS-Member]” in the subject line or the message itself.

Member Directory

CESS maintains an online Member Directory. Being featured in the Member Directory is an exclusive feature for CESS members.

The Member Directory is open access and is a great way to search for experts and fellow researchers in mutual areas of interest.


follow us on Twitter @CESS_news

CESS tweets Society-related updates (deadlines, calls for papers, application openings, etc.), new blog post notifications, and any information deemed appropriate for and relevant to our members and the Central Eurasian studies community.

Have something you’d like us to (re)tweet? Tag us or send a direct message through Twitter.


CESS maintains a page as well as a public, but moderated, group on Facebook. Our page features CESS-specific updates, deadlines, and announcements, while our group functions as a forum for sharing scholarship.