Dilfuza Selmakhunovna Rozieva

I am an associate professor, doctor PhD scholar at the Kazakh Ablai University of International Relations and World Languages with a keen interest in the CESS board membership. Since 2006, I have been working at the Kazakh Ablai University of International Relations and World Languages and conducted more than 20 disciplines. During these years I was a scientific advisor to hundreds Bachelor students and about 20 Master students. I would welcome the opportunity to serve CESS, as my academic and professional background aligns closely with the mission of CESS. I hold a Ph.D. in Comparative and Contrastive Children Poetry and have a decade of studying, researching, and teaching experience in the discipline of Theoretical Linguistics, English and Foreign Literature and ICC science across the sub-fields of international relations, comparative Linguistics and Literature and Text and Discourse. My scholarly expertise is relevant to the Central Eurasian studies.