The CESS Board of Directors election is now open! Voting runs from August 29 until the end of September 9, 2024. All activate CESS members are eligible to vote.
You can view the candidate statements and learn more about CESS elections on this page.
If your CESS membership for 2024 has been activated (i.e. you have completed the membership form and successfully submitted payment), you will receive an email from Election Buddy with your invitation to vote. The voting invitation emails are unique to each member and cannot be shared or transferred.
Didn’t receive your voter invitation email? Email the CESS Administrator at or
Would like to vote but you are not currently an activate member? Activate your membership before September 9 and you will become eligible to vote. For information on how to become a member of CESS, please consult the following page.
Incoming President
CESS received no nominations for incoming president and executive member for 2024-5. We did, however, receive one for 2025–6. Given this circumstance, the Executive decided that this year’s co-incoming Presidents, Artemy Kalinovsky and Dina Sharipova, will each serve a separate term as President. Artemy will serve as President for 2024–5 and Dina for 2025–6. The executive for 2024–5 will be as follows: Artemy Kalinovsky (President), Dina Sharipova (President-Elect), and Ablet Kamalov (Past President).
CESS Board
CESS has received three nominations for two positions on its Board. CESS members are asked to vote for two members.
NEW: CESS Graduate Student Board Positions
The CESS executive has decided to create two dedicated graduate student (Master’s or PhD) positions for the Board. We received two nominations from graduate students during the process. CESS members are asked to accept or reject these candidates for the board.
Candidates for Board Members (two vacancies)
Listed in alphabetical order by last name

Jeff Eden
My engagement with the organization over the years has included service on last year’s Conference Committee, host and presenter roles at several CESS conferences, as

Dilfuza Selmakhunovna Rozieva
I am an associate professor, doctor PhD scholar at the Kazakh Ablai University of International Relations and World Languages with a keen interest in the
Graduate Student Board Member Candidates
Listed in alphabetical order by last name

Khasan Redjaboev
Khasan is a PhD candidate in Political Science in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a Predoctoral Fellow at the

Nicholas Seay
Nicholas Seay is a PhD candidate in History at The Ohio State University. Based on archival, oral history, and library research conducted in Tajikistan between