All Graduate Student Paper Award Winners

2023 – Annual Conference

Nicholas Seay (Ohio State University): “By Tractor and Plane: Pesticides and Chemical Fertilizers in the Valleys of Soviet Tajikistan”

Nurlan Kabdylkhak (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill): Voices of the Faithful (Speaking Tsarist): Muslim Petitions in Late Imperial Russia”

2022 – Annual Conference

Yipeng Zhou (Harvard University – US) //Research on Frontiers: Sino-Soviet Knowledge Campagins on the Central Asian Borderland

Amanda Caterina Leong (honorable mention) (University of California, Merced – US) // Rethinking female javanmardi: Nezami’s Haft Paykar as ‘Mirror for Princesses’

2019 – Annual Conference

Claire Roosien (University of Chicago – US) // ‘I Dress in Silk and Velvet’: Women, Textiles, and the Textile-Text in 1930s Uzbekistan

2018 – Annual Conference

Enerelt Enkhbold (National University of Mongolia – Mongolia) // The Khan’s Merchant: the Evolution of Commercial Partnerships in the Mongolian Empire

2017 – Regional Conference

Khalida Azhigulova (University of Leicester – UK) // Effectiveness of Refugee Protection in Central Asia: Law, Politics and Practice.

2017 – Annual Conference

Taylor Zajicek (Princeton University – USA) // The Seismic Colony: Earthquakes, Science, and Empire in Russian Turkestan.

2016 – Annual Conference

Darren Byler (University of Washington – USA) // Folk Rhythms in the City: Embodies Refusal among Uyghur Migrants.

2015 – Annual Conference (joint award)

Guldana Salimjan (University of British Columbia – Canada) // Debating Gender and kazakhness: Aytis Cultural Exchange between China and Kazakhstan.
Isaac Scarborough (London School of Economics and Political Science – UK) // (Over)Determining Social Disorder: Tajikistan and the Economic Collapse of Perestroika.

2014 – Annual Conference

Tekla Shmaus (Indiana University-Bloomington – USA) // The Pastoral Landscape in Prehistoric Semirech’ye.

2013 – Annual Conference

Roberto Carmack (University of Wisconsin-Madison – USA) // History and Hero Making: The Sovietization of Kazakh Frontline Propaganda, 1941-1945.

2012 – Annual Conference

Max Oidtmann (Harvard University – USA) // To Be ‘One’s Own Master’: The 19th Century Conflict between Qing Colonial Officials and the Monastic Domain of the Cagan Nomun Han Kūtuku.

2011 – Annual Conference

Ian Lanzillotti (Ohio State University – USA) // From Princely Fiefdoms to Soviet Nations: Interethnic Border Conflicts in the North Caucasus and the Village of Lesken.

2010 – Annual Conference 

Joseph MacKay (University of Toronto – Canada) // International Politics in 18th and 19th Century Central Asia: Beyond Anarchy in International Relations Theory.

2009 – Annual Conference

David Merrell (University of Washington – USA) // Legal Reform in Afghanistan: What Kyrgyzstan Can Add to the Debate over Engaging Non-State Councils of Elders in Afghanistan.

2008 – Annual Conference

Christopher Whitsel (Indiana University-Bloomington – USA) // Family Conditions, Democratic Choice, and Sitting at Home: Investigating Educational Participation in Post-Soviet Tajikistan.

2007 – Annual Conference

Julie McBrien (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle-Saale – Germany) // On Push-Up Bras and Headscarves: Experiencing Multiple Modernities in Kyrgyzstan.

2006 – Annual Conference

Madeleine Reeves (University of Cambridge – UK) // States of Improvisation: Border-making as Social Practice in the Ferghana Valley.

2005 – Annual Conference (joint award)

Kenneth Michael Bauer (University of Oxford – UK) // Development and State-Society Relations in Pastoral Tibet since the Reforms.
Meghan Simpson (Central European University – Hungary) // Local Strategies in Globalizing Gender Politics: A Study of Women’s Organizing in Contemporary Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

2004 – Annual Conference

Irina Liczek (New School University – USA) // Cultural Parameters of Gender Policy-making in Contemporary Turkmenistan.

2003 – Annual Conference

Fuad Aliev (Boston University – USA) // Evaluating the Effect of Primary Health Care Reforms on Access to Health Care in Ferghana Province, Uzbekistan: The Role of Community-Based Surveys.

Honorable Mention:
Christiane Gruber (University of Pennsylvania – USA) // The Keir Miraj and Islamic Picture Recitation in the Fifteenth Century.

2002 – Annual Conference

Michael A. Reynolds (Princeton University/Harvard University – USA) // Inchoate Nation Abroad: Tsarist Russia, Nation-Building, and the Kurds of Ottoman Anatolia, 1908-1914.

Honorable Mention:

Alexander C. Diener (University of Wisconsin-Madison – USA) // Settlement of the Returning Kazakh Diaspora: History, Climate, Social Networks, and the Nationalization of Social Space.