Board of Directors

The CESS Board governs the work and the mission of CESS, guided by the Society’s articles and bylaws. Board Directors serve as volunteers and are actively involved in developing and managing CESS’ strategy and activities. They engage in CESS business through active participation in board meetings held digitally each month and in-person at each Annual Conference.

Board Directors support at least one of the CESS committees and may also serve as the chair one of those committees. On an informal basis, Board Directors also communicate with others about CESS, encourage new membership, and liaise with other organizations and institutions.

The CESS Board consists of nine voting members elected by the CESS membership. These include: the President, President-Elect, Past-President (who constitute the Executive Committee), and six Board Members who are elected to three-year terms.

The President-Elect is a three-year role which cycles through the positions of: President Elect (year 1), President (year 2) and Past President (year 3). At any one time, each role is filled and these 3 persons make up the Society’s Executive Committee. Each year, a President-Elect and two new Board Members are elected, as the Past-President and two Board Members’ terms end. Board members take up their positions at the Annual Conference that is held after the elections.

Learn more about CESS elections or standing for election

Currently, two officers are non-voting members of the Board and are appointed by Board Members: the Treasurer and the Clerk (fulfilled by the Society Administrator, a paid, part-time position).

Executive Committee

Artemy M. Kalinovsky

As a historian who has worked on questions of foreign policy, economic development, and the environment in Central Asia, I have long benefited from the

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Dina Sharipova

Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) is a leading organization that unites many scholars who do research on Central Asia. The uniqueness of the CESS is

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Ablet Kamalov

CESS President Ablet Kamalov is a Professor of History at Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. His research interests include the history, historiography, and culture of the

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Board Members

Jeff Eden

My engagement with the organization over the years has included service on last year’s Conference Committee, host and presenter roles at several CESS conferences, as

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Nicholas Seay

Nicholas Seay is a PhD candidate in History at The Ohio State University. Based on archival, oral history, and library research conducted in Tajikistan between

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Khasan Redjaboev

Khasan is a PhD candidate in Political Science in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a Predoctoral Fellow at the

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Omar Sadr

I am a senior research scholar at the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Governance and Markets (CGM) with a keen interest in the CESS board

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Olga Khan

I am Olga Khan. I am an independent researcher; this winter I completed my Ph.D. on February 15th and obtained a degree in film theory.I

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Ex-officio Board Members (non-voting)