Advertise at CESS 2023, our annual conference to be held at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA on October 19-22, 2023. The conference program currently includes over 300 panelists and features more than 100 panels on topics covering all aspects of the politics, history, culture, and society of the Central Eurasian region.

Advertising in the CESS 2023 program

We invite advertisers whose goods or services are related to the topics covered by CESS2023  to take out a full- or half-page advertisement in the conference program, which will be distributed to all delegates. 

Advert sizePriceDimensions (maximum)
Full pageUS$200
Free for Platinum level institutional members
8.5 inches wide x 11 inches high
Half pageUS$150
Free for Gold level institutional members
8.5 inches wide x 5.5 inches high

Please allow for white space around the advertisement. If the file size is larger than the dimensions noted above, please be aware that the image may have to be compressed or resized in order to fit the program. 

Advertisements may be sent through as tiff, png or jpeg or other standard PC-compatible file type. 

You may send through files in color but note that the program is printed in black and white. 

Payment and advertisements due by September 15, 2023.

Exhibiting at CESS 2023

We invite publishers and organizations who wish to exhibit works on topics related to CESS2023 to attend the conference as exhibitors. We offer the opportunity to book an exhibition table for all or part of the conference.

Please note that exhibition space is limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Payment and orders for exhibition tables are due by September 30, 2023.

Exhibition tables will be available at a cost of $400 each for the full conference period or at the following daily rates:

Exhibitors who sign up for two days or more will receive one free conference registration, entitling them to attend all conference events.

Exhibition tables are offered free of charge for the duration of the conference to Platinum-level institutional members.

To place an order

Please email the following information to CESS Administrator Katia Svensson at or fill out this form.

  1. Name of organization
  2. Name of the contact person
  3. Contact person’s email address 
  4. Payment details – either complete the enclosed card authorization form or provide name, address and email to be invoiced. If you would like to be invoiced, please let us know. Payments are due by September 15 (adverts)/September 30 (exhibition tables), 2023.

If advertising:

  1. Full page/half page

If exhibiting:

  1. Specify the time period: entire conference or state which day(s)

We hope you will consider this offer, and I invite you to contact CESS should you require any further information.